Taisei (大成) is the westernmost town of mainland Hokkaido and the part of Setana. Kumaishi (熊石) has some peaceful onsen.


Ota Jinja


7km north of Central Taisei

On the mountainside of Ota-yama (485m) is Hokkaido’s oldest sacred shrine of Ota Jinja founded in the mid 15th-century. From torii (shrine gate), the approach continues to hazardous spots involving 45-degrees steps, rugged walkways and chain handrails. The ascent from a car park takes about 1.5 hours.

Hirahama Beach


1min walk from Hirahama bus stop / 20min walk from Miyano bus stop

Right opposite the Michi-no-eki Tekkui Land Taisei on Route 229, Hirahama is a shallow and uncrowded beach where you can see Okushiri-to on a clear day. Open mid Jul-mid Aug.

Nagaiso Coast


3min walk from Nihishinai bus stop

Nagaiso (literary means ‘long coast’) has unique, notable and rugged rock formations. Oyako-kuma-iwa (親子熊岩: parent-child bears rock) is the most famous, Mammoth-iwa (マンモス岩) and Tanuki-iwa (タヌキ岩: raccoon dog rock) are two others nearby. The nearest bus stop is Nihishinai.



Awabi Sanso ♨︎

貝取澗温泉 あわび山荘

1min walk from Awabi-sanso-mae bus stop

The Awabi Sanso, set on the leafy Kaitorima valley (in Taisei Ward), offers 100% natural onsen with open-air baths. There is a campsite next to the onsen.

Kumaishi Hiratanai-so ♨︎


20min walk from Kokumin-shukusha-mae bus stop

About a 20-minute walk along Hiratanai-gawa from the Kokumin-shukusha-mae bus stop on Route 232, this place has a mix of tatami-mat and Western-style rooms. A clean onsen is open to nonguests.

Ken-ichi Onsen ♨︎


1min walk from Ken-ichi-onsen bus stop

Founded in 1868 as a watering place along the Ken-ichi-gawa, this modest onsen ryokan offers attractive open-air baths and tatami-mat rooms with a pleasant river view.


Getting There


For Taisei: from Kitahiyama Terminal, Hakodate Bus operates a few buses to Taisei-gakko-mae (大成学校前) or Dai-ni-Tomiiso (第二富磯) via Miyano (宮野: 40min). Miyano bus stop is in front of the police box.

For Kumaishi: Hakodate Bus Hiyama-Kaigan Line (檜山海岸線) runs between Esashi Terminal and Kumaishi Taisei (1hr 25min), stopping at Esashi-byoin-mae (江差病院前), Otobe (乙部), Ayukawa (鮎川), and Kokumin-shukusha-mae (国民宿舎前).

Yakumo Hire (八雲ハイヤー) operates demand-responsive buses (熊石・八雲間予約バス) between JR Yakumo Station and Kumaishi (49min), stopping at Keni-ichi-onsen-iriguchi (見市温泉), Ayukawa, and Monsho-an (門昌庵) temple. If you get on or off the bus near Kumaishi Hiratanai-so (熊石ひらたない荘), contact ahead by phone (compulsory reservation).

Getting Around


Azuma Hire (東ハイヤー) operates demand-responsive buses, called Hiyama-Kaigan Line (檜山海岸線), between Ota (太田) and Kumaishi (熊石), stopping at Taisei-gakko-mae (大成学校前), Miyano (宮野) on the bus route to/from Kitahiyama, Awabi-sanso-mae (あわび山荘前) and Nihishinai (荷菱内).

If you get on or off the bus at the shrine gate of Ota Jinja (大田神社), ask the driver or contact ahead by phone.


Setana Tourist Association

Miyano bus stop

宮野 | 미야노

Address:Miyano, Taisei-ku, Setana-cho, Hokkaido

Distance:25km from Kitahiyama
