The windy town of Tomamae (苫前) is known for the worst bear attack in Japanese history. In 1915, seven setters were eaten by brown bear at the deep forest of Sankebetsu. But today higuma (brown bear) is a symbol of the town, bear enthusiasts come here and taking pictures of the unique bear statues. There is a scenic onsen, beach and interesting museum in the town center.


Michi-no-eki Fuwatto Tomamae


4min walk from Tomamae-Uemachi bus stop

This attractive roadside station, overlooking the ocean and two islands, has an onsen, a free ashi-yu (foot bath: open in summer), the restaurant Fu-mu (風夢) and the lounge Windmill (ウィンドミル).

Tomamae Yuhigaoka White Beach


1min walk from Sakaehama bus stop

About 700m north from the michi-no-eki, Yuhigaoka’s ocean beach contains white sand obtained from China. There are two shokudo and paid showers. It is walkable from the campsites. The closest bus stop is Sakaehama (local buses stop here).

Tomamae Town Museum


5min walk from Tomamae-yakuba bus stop

Worth a look is the little town museum in an old town hall. It has a presented the local history, with a full-size model of the bear attack scene (wow!), stuffed higuma (brown bears) and old household implements collected from the area. Closed Nov-Apr.



Tomamae Onsen Fuwatto


4min walk from Tomamae-Uemachi bus stop

In the same building as the modern michi-no-eki Fuwatto Tomamae, this good-value hotel combines an ocean-view onsen, restaurant, bar and shop. Evening dishes features local seafood such as ama-ebi and sashimi.


Getting There


Tomamae-Uemachi (苫前上町) is the town’s main bus stop on Route 232 near the Michi-no-eki Fuwatto Tomamae.

Engan Bus operates the intercity bus Tokkyu Haboro-go (特急はぼろ号) between Sapporo and Tomamae-Uemachi, stopping at Rikibiru (力昼) and Uehira (上平).

Local buses (for Haboro or Horonobe) from Rumoi-ekimae stopping at Nishihama (西浜), Rikibiru, Uehira, Tomamae-yakuba (苫前役場) at the town hall, Tomamae-Uemachi and Sakaehama (栄浜).

Getting Around


From Uehira, local buses run to Kotanbetsu (古丹別: 10min).


Tomamae Town Travel Guide

Tomamae-Uemachi bus stop

苫前上町 | 도마마에 우에마치

Address:Tomamae-cho, Hokkaido

Distance:42km from Rumoi
