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The forested town of Engaru (遠軽) on the JR Sekihoku Line functions as a useful transport hub for access to Monbetsu by bus. You might find yourself in the town while waiting for transport connections. Otherwise, take a dip in the tranquil onsen or visit the flower gardens.

瞰望岩 (がんぼういわ)
20min walk from Engaru Station
If you are waiting for a train or bus, it is an ideal time to a 15-minute climb the huge rock of Ganbo-iwa (78m) with good views over the town and its environs. This Pirikanoka (beautiful form) was an old battlefield of Ainu and called Inkar-us-i, the town name of Engaru comes from here. Get there on foot from the south side of the Town Museum.

Taiyo-no-Oka Engaru Park
太陽の丘えんがる公園 虹の広場
40min walk or 7min by taxi from Engaru Station
From September to mid October, Engaru Park is covered in around 10 million of cosmos. It is also famous for its phlox which peaks in late May. This park is possible to get there by taxi or on foot from Ganbo-iwa.

Engaru Town Museum
8min walk from Engaru Station
Located at the foot of Ganbo-iwa, this small museum displays permanent exhibits on the local history, including artifacts and railway (including old JR Nayoro Line for Monbetsu).
The town center has a limited number of mid-range business hotels and ryokan.

Photo: じゃらんnet
Hotel Sunshine
5min walk from Engaru Station
This red-brick hotel on Route 242 has renovated rooms, and is in a good location in the center of town near JR Engaru Station, as well as the bus terminal. Don’t miss Kanimeshi (かにめし: crab meat on rice) dating back to the early-Showa period.
Getting There
Reversing station Engaru is on the JR Sekihoku Line. There are a few daily limited express trains from Sapporo (3.5hr), Asahikawa (2hr) and Abashiri (1hr 45min).
One daily rapid train (tokubetsu kaisoku) connects Asahikawa and Engaru (2hr).
From Engaru terminal (遠軽ターミナル) on Route 242, about 200m from the train station, the highway bus Kosoku Engaru-go (高速えんがる号) runs to Sapporo (3hr 45min), and the intercity bus Tokkyu Kita-Taisetsu-go (特急北大雪号) runs to Asahikawa (2hr 20min). Compulsory reservation.
Getting Around
From Engaru terminal, Hokumon and Kitami buses run to Monbetsu (1hr 25min).
In the town, Engaru Municipal Bus (公営バス) runs to Setose Onsen (瀬戸瀬温泉: 40min), and Maruseppu Station (丸瀬布駅前) via Engaru Mori-no-Okhotsk (遠軽 森のオホーツク) at the michi-no-eki (Engaru Rock Valley Ski Area).
Engaru Tourist Association

Engaru Station
遠軽 | 엔가루
Address:1 Iwami-dori-minami, Engaru-cho, Hokkaido
Distance:124km from Asahikawa
北海道 遠軽 旅遊觀光 飯店住宿 | 홋카이도 엔가루 여행 호텔