- Home / Destinations / Northern Hokkaido, Asahikawa & Furano / Bifuka
Forestry town Bifuka (美深) is Japan’s northernmost large-scale rice producing area along Teshio-gawa.
About 20km east of the town center running through the deep birch forest, you will find the charming rural village of Niupu where is said to be the setting for Murakami Haruki’s famous novel “A Wild Sheep Chase”.

Torokko Okoku Bifuka
30min by demand-responsive bus from the station, get off at Niupu
For the sake of nostalgia, you can hire the torokko (motor draisine) from Niupu and trundle it for 10km-return on the disused railway track of the JNR Biko Line as it follows the leafy valley. You need a driver’s licence if you operate the torokko. The torokko leaves hourly from 9am.

Bifuka Cultural Hall COM 100
8min walk from Bifuka Station
Bifuka’s historical museum is inside the cultural hall. There are plenty of old household implements, Ainu artifacts, photos and models. Admission is free.

Hot Plaza Smile
5min walk from Bifuka Station
The town center’s only public bath is attached to the modern community center along National Route 40. Bring your own towel and soap. Closed on Monday and Friday.

Photo: じゃらんnet
Bifuka Onsen
9min by an Onnenai-bound bus from Bifuka (on Route 40), get off at Bifuka Onsen
Located in Bifuka Forest Park facing the marshes, this onsen offers Japanese- and Western-style rooms. On-site restaurant serves local beef and sturgeon cuisines. Michi-no-eki Bifuka is just a short walk from the onsen.
Getting There
Get off the train at Bifuka Station.
● From Sapporo: take the limited express Soya (2hr 45min).
● From Asahikawa: take the limited express (1hr 15min)
● From Nayoro: take the local train (26min).
Bifuka bus stop (on Route 40) is a 5-minute walk from the station.
● From Sapporo: take the intercity bus Esashi-go. 3hr 50min. Compulsory reservation.
● From Nayoro: take the Meishi Bus Onnenai Line (恩根内線). 35min.
Getting Around
Meishi Bus operated demand-responsive buses between JR Bifuka Station and Niupu except Sunday (30min). Make a reservation by phone, or ask the tourist association at the station (until 30 minutes before departure).
Bifuka Tourist Association
Inside JR Bifuka Station. There is a souvenir shop.

Bifuka Station
美深 | 비후카
Address:Kaiun-cho, Bifuka-cho, Hokkaido
Distance:98km from Asahikawa