Betsukai (also called Bekkai to locals) is two times larger than Tokyo’s 23 wards. Some 15,000 people and 120,000 cows (!) living in this grand-scale town.


Betsukai Historical Museum

別海町郷土資料館 · 加賀家文書館

4min walk from Tokiwa bus stop / 10min walk from Betsukai Purato bus stop

This museum is split across two adjacent houses: the Historical Museum has historic artifacts and stuffed animals; the Kaga Family Archives set up display the documents of the Notsuke Peninsula written from the late Edo to Meiji periods.

Betsukai Furusato Koryukan ♨︎


10min walk from Kyogijo-mae bus stop / 30min walk from Betsukai Purato bus stop

On a pleasant hill about 2.5km southwest of the town center, Betsukai Furusato Koryukan is worth a soak for relax. The communal onsen is cozy and 100% moor water contains organic matter of vegetable origin.

Old Okuyuki Relay Station


2min walk from Okuyuki bus terminal

This wooden ekiteisho was built in 1910 as a relay station of the region with a ryokan, a post office and horses. It has eight guest rooms and historical artifacts. About 200m south of the ekiteisho, you will find the nostalgic Old Okuyukiusu Station (旧奥行臼駅) on the disused JR and municipal railways. Near the old train station, there is also an old rolling stock of the municipal railway.


Getting There


Betsukai Purato (別海ぷらと) is the town’s bus terminal.

Hokuto Kotsu and Nemuro Kotsu operates the night bus Aurora-go (オーロラ号) between Sapporo Odori Bus Center and Betsukai Purato (7.5hr).

Four airport buses (operated by Nemuro Kotsu) run to Betsukai Purato from Nakashibetsu Airport (中標津空港), stopping at Nakashibetsu bus terminal and Tokiwa (常盤). There are also buses from Nemuro via JR Attoko Station (厚床駅前) and Okuyuki (奥行).

Akan Bus (阿寒バス) operates local buses from Nakashibetsu to Betsukai-koko-mae (別海高校前: 52min), stopping at Tokiwa, Betsukai Purato (39min), and Kyogijo-iriguchi (競技場入口: except the last bus on weekday) near Betsukai Furusato Koryukan.

Getting Around


Betsukai Municipal Bus (別海町地域生活バス) operates several local lines from Betsukai Purato (except Sunday and holiday).

Odaito Line (尾岱沼線) runs to Odaito’s Higashi-Kominkan (東公民館) public hall (2-3 daily except Sun; 1hr), about 450m northwest of the fishing port (look for the sign). The morning bus from Betsukai is timed to meet the night bus from Sapporo.

Nishi-Shunbetsu Line (西春別線) runs to Nishi-Shunbetsu (1hr), stopping at Kyoshun (共春) on the bus route to/rom Kushiro (釧路), and Nishi-Shunbetsu-ekimae (西春別駅前) on the bus route to/from JR Shibecha Station (標茶駅前).


Betsukai Tourist Information Center
This center at Betsukai Purato bus terminal has local brochures and maps.

Betsukai Purato bus stop

別海ぷらと | 베쓰카이 Purato

Address:Betsukai-Asahi-cho, Betsukai-cho, Hokkaido

Distance:22km from Nakashibetsu
