• Home / Planning / Day trip from Sapporo to Shizunai Sakura Festival

⚫︎ Last updated: May 2024. Timetables, business hours and prices are subject to change. Check the latest information.

⚫︎ Visiting Shizunai Nijukken Road, one of Hokkaido’s best sakura destinations.

⚫︎ Exploring the imperial manor house of Ryuun-kaku. It is open to the public during the sakura festival.

⚫︎ Try the local cuisine, such as seafood and gomoku chamen, in Shizunai.

⚫︎ Day bathing at Mukawa Onsen.

⚫︎ Ichinichi Sanpo Kippu

⚫︎ Hokkaido Rail Pass

⚫︎ Donan Bus Card

d. 8:08
Good Morning! At first, prepare some food at Sapporo Station (there are no convenience stores on the road to Shizunai).
Take the rapid Airport 32 for New Chitose Airport.

a. 8:24 / d. 8:26
Take the local train for Tomakomai.

a. 9:03
This unstaffed station is one stop north of Tomakomai. There are no convenient stores and supermarkets around the station.

d. 9:21
Take the Donan Bus for Shizunai (静内).
Take the numbered ticket (seiri-ken: 整理券), then purchase the Donan Bus Card (¥3000) from the bus driver, when you get on or off the bus. For the ocean view, sit on the right side.
The fare to Miyuki-cho (in Shizunai) is ¥1300.

a. 11:19
Miyuki-cho bus stop is located at the main crossroads (on Route 235) in Central Shizunai.
Right opposite the bus stop, the Hotel Laurel offers lunch at the Restaurant Hokkai (レストラン北海). Try the gomoku chamen (五目チャーメン).
Shizunai bus terminal is a 6-minute walk from the hotel. There is a tourist information center.

d. 13:00
Take the Donan Bus for Noya (農屋), the only public transport for Nijukken Road. The fare to Sakuraoka-shogakko is ¥500.

a. 13:19
The closest bus stop to Nijukken Road. Turn left at the corner of A-coop and a 20-minute walk on prefectural road 71 (1.4km).

This 8km-long and 36m-width scenic road is lined with 2200 cherry trees that brust into bloom from late April to mid May.
Shizunai Sakura Festival (しずない桜まつり) is held around the Flower Tunnel (花のトンネル) at the tourist information office, about 1.4km (20min walk) east of Shizunai Agricultural High School.

During the festival, the 1909 wooden Ryuun-kaku imperial manor house is open to the public. It is about 2km east of the Flower Tunnel on Nijukken Road.

d. 16:54
From the Flower Tunnel to Sakuraoka-shogakko bus stop, it is about a 40-minute walk (2.8km).
Take the Donan Bus for Shizunai (take the numbered ticket). The fare to Miyuki-cho 2 is ¥500.

a. 17:09
This bus stop is located near Shizunai Eclipse Hotel in the town center. Head to the restaurant SAKURA on the 9th floor and have dinner.

d. 18:22
This bus stop is a 4-minute walk from the Eclipse Hotel, located in front of the North Pacific Bank (北洋銀行) on Route 235. Otherwise, head to Shizunai bus terminal (10min walk from the hotel).
Take the Donan Bus for Mukawa Station (鵡川駅前), and take the numbered ticket. The bus runs along the Pacific Ocean. The fare to Mukawa-nokyo-mae is ¥1040. Pay additional charge (¥20) in cash, if you have the Donan Bus Card (¥3000).

a. 19:41
The closest bus stop to Mukawa Onsen (5min walk). You will find sushi and izakaya restaurants around the bus stop.
※ If you don’t want to go to the onsen, take the bus to the last stop of Mukawa Station (a. 19:47) and transfer to the local train (d. 20:03) for Tomakomai on the JR Hidaka Line. You will arrive in Sapporo around 10pm.

Mukawa Onsen Shiki-no-Yakata
is inside the Michi-no-eki (roadside station), with a public onsen, restaurant (L.O. 8pm) and souvenir shop (open until 9pm). The onsen has clean indoor and open-air baths (open until 10pm). There is a free resting room near the reception.
JR Mukawa Station is a 10-minute walk from the onsen. You will find the convenience store Seicomart near the station, if you need some wine and snacks.

d. 22:11
Take the local train for Tomakomai on the JR Hidaka Line.

a. 22:40 / d. 22:46
Take the local train for Sapporo on the JR Chitose Line.
※You can transfer to the Tozai subway line at Shin-Sapporo.

a. 23:52
※You can transfer to the Nanboku or Toho subway line.