With its picture-book countryside and windproof forests, Kiyosato (清里) is one of the loveliest rural towns in Okhotsk Region and the main gateway to the majestic Shari-dake.

Hotels on Map



Kiyosato Onsen Hotel Ryokuseisou ♨︎


10min walk from Kiyosato-cho Station

Conveniently located a 10-minute walk from JR Kiyosato-cho Station, this hotel offers comfortable rooms, a good public onsen and a restaurant.

Kiyosato Ihatov Hostel


2.3km east of Kiyosato-cho Station

Located in the picturesque hillside fields, this B&B hostel is a good budget option, with simple dorms and private rooms. Dinner is not served here, but the owner can pick you up to the local izakaya and onsen. If you don’t want to walk from JR Kiyosato-cho Station, call ahead.

Raiun Mizu-no-Gakko


5.6km east of Kiyosato-cho Station

Raiun Mizu-no-Gakko is an interesting rental villas that uses the former elementary school teacher’s dormitories. The kitchen has cooking utensils and tableware. It is better to reach there by taxi from the town center.