- Home / Hotels / Eastern Hokkaido, Tokachi & Kushiro / Akkeshi
Akkeshi (厚岸) is set on a pleasant gulf coast leading to the brackish lake Akkeshi-ko, best-known for both its tasty kaki (oyster) and asari (clam). The area is designated as Akkeshi-Kiritappu-Konbumori Quasi-National Park (厚岸霧多布昆布森国定公園).
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Photo: じゃらんnet
Hotel Gomi
1min walk from Akkeshi Station
Located in front of JR Akkeshi Station, this well-established hotel boasts seafood dinner with oyster and grilled fish. There is also a wine & whisky bar.
北海道 厚岸 飯店住宿 | 홋카이도 앗케시 호텔