⚫︎ Sakura seasons and events are subject to change. Check the official website for the latest information.

Take the rapid train (30min) or local train (42min) from Sapporo to Minami-Otaru (30min).


▶︎ Get off at Minami-Otaru Station

The neighboring area around JR Minami-Otaru Station is known as ‘Nantaru’ to locals. The train station has several lovely cherry trees.


▶︎ 7min walk from Minami-Otaru Station

Otaru’s representative shrine dating back to 1892, Sumiyoshi Jinja sits on a wooded hill overlooking the sea. The grounds of shrine has century-old torii (shrine gates) and 60 cherry trees.


▶︎ 12min walk from Sumiyoshi Jinja

Located near Otaru Park, you will find this splendid temple on the right. The main building (built in 1890) was designed to resemble Zenko-ji in Nagano. It is also known for its cherry trees that burst into bloom in early May.


▶︎ 5min walk from Tenjo-ji / 20min walk from Otaru Station

On the pleasant hill overlooking the city, this leafy park has several hundreds of cherry trees. Don’t miss the Japanese-style Old Otaru District Meeting Hall (built in 1911).


▶︎ 10min walk from Otaru Paru / 20min walk from Otaru Station

Otaru’s most pretty Catholic church (built in 1929) has a neo-Gothic edifice decorated with classic stained glass and an octagonal bell tower. It is open to the public during the day (photography allowed).

小樽 櫻花 | 오타루 벚꽃